Find your Good Space at Charleston

Charleston, Firle, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6LL.

The modernist home and studio of the painters Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant, Charleston is a place that has always brought people together to engage with art and ideas.

Charleston was a gathering point for the Bloomsbury group. Some of the 20th Century’s most radical artists, writers and thinkers, they came here to imagine society differently and put art and experimental thinking at the centre of life. Today, we present a dynamic year-round programme of exhibitions, events and festivals that reflect our belief in the power of art to provoke new ways of
thinking and living.

Interested in volunteering?

Our volunteers work across the organisation, from invigilating our museum and galleries, to helping with administration, maintaining our gardens, and working at public events

We currently offer the following volunteering opportunities at Charleston. To find out more, please click below.

Live volunteering opportunities